Rabbi Hawkins
The home of Rabbi Hawkins

Rabbi and the Baker’s Dozen

by Jim Miller

Published: 2014 Buy for Amazon Kindle

"I found the body on my bed." And with that, the third book in this humorous military mystery series kicks off with Rabbi in trouble again.

Why was the dead man, dressed in a WWII uniform? And why couldn't he be identified?


Rabbi and his buddies having just graduated from basic training, head out to join their Battalion. But with Rabbi, nothing is ever that simple.

An unidentified body, a missing antique rifle, rogue British revenue agents, and the Battalion’s top cop Military Police Staff Sergeant Pritchard-Ingalls threatening, “I could always punch you right in the mouth.”

Along with that, Rabbi must endure a chase through the night, a dive through a prickle-hedge, a tumble into an ornamental garden pond, all while wearing a now-sodden kilt. An unidentified body, a missing antique rifle, British revenue agents, and the Battalion’s top cop,

Follow him in his third fun adventure in the Canadian army of 1964.

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