Rabbi Hawkins
The home of Rabbi Hawkins

Amazon Review – Clive Scarff

Rabbi Joins The Army

While chronologically “Rabbi Joins The Army” begins the Rabbi tale, it is the third Rabbi book released and the third one I have read. The others being “Mined Your Own Business” and “Soldiers Are Not Always Nice“, each features the charming yet impish Private-come-sleuth Donald “Rabbi” Hawkins (Rabbi is a nickname, short for hammurabi, nothing to do with the Jewish religion). Always up against authority, always ducking out of work, injustice seems to be what sparks action out of this guy, and ultimately redeems him in the eyes of his superiors, albeit begrudgingly. If anything is a good basis for a tv series or movie more than this then I don’t know what it is. Big 5 stars for this installment of the Rabbi series, anxiously awaiting the next.

Clive Scarff is a screenwriter and a teaching golf professional with a best-selling series on golf –

Hit Down Dammit! (The Key To Golf) which comes as an ebook, a print book and a series of  DVDs.